MROSD CAC Applications: Updated 2/16/99
Transcriber's note & disclaimer: This is presented as an unsolicitied and unofficial service for those interested in the CAC process. I cannot guarentee complete accuracy, but I did my best to get these transcribed correctly - there were a few instances of illegible wording (mostly because of the copy quality) and I indicated those places rather than guess. I maintained the original grammar and spelling except in very obvious instances. Anyone catching an mistakes, please notify me asap. No changes were made to the applications as they were submitted to MROSD.
-chuck kozak-
* The application assumed to be Scott Tiernan's had the signature line cut off by the copy machine, but as it was announced at the Feb. 9 meeting he would be submitting an application, and that the application indicates it was faxed from "Tiernan Construction", it is being assumed this is his.