Application for Consideration of Appointment to the Coastal Advisory Committee (CAC)
Thank you for your interest in being appointed to the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District's Coastal Advisory Committee. The CAC's job will be to review, discuss, and recommend revisions to specified District policies related to the San Mateo County coastal area under consideration for annexation by the District, and will include the responsibility of gathering input from a wide range of community and special interest groups on the Coastside. The District policies to be reviewed include those concerning eminent domain, land acquisition, and agricultural land use.
Please answer the following questions, which will help the existing members of the CAC to select representatives for the three "at large" seats available. The intent of appointing such individuals is to ensure that there is adequate representation for Coastside interests which are otherwise un-represented, or under-represented, on the CAC. "At large" members must live within the area under consideration for annexation. Please limit your answers to the space provided. Please write legibly. This form must be returned to the District office, 330 Distel Circle, Los Altos, CA 94022-1404 (fax: 650-691-0485) by 5:00 p.m., Friday, February 12, 1999.
1) Briefly describe your reasons for wanting to participate on the CAC.
Land use and open space are very important considerations not only to our coastside but globally. Since individual people's property rights are involved and there are larger social issues emotions can run high. On our own coast, for example, a hotel was burnt down because it blocked ocean views. Our Cabrillo School Board was heavily lobbied to prevent having me on the CAC by "Yes on Measure F" committee members because they knew I had concerns about current MROSD policies.
However, they did not consider the fact that I think open space and responsible agricultural land use is crucial to a healthy environment, as I feel the majority of our population thinks as well.
I am certain that well thought out policies can bring people together, rather than divide them, if differing opinions are allowed.
2) Please describe your personal or professional interest in and knowledge of Coastside land use and land conservation issues, and what expertise or experience you will bring to the CAC.
I have lived on the coast since 1964 when Half Moon Bay was truly a farming community. My parents were among the first to commute "over the hill". I will bring a historical perspective. I have lived in San Gregorio since 1978 and have talked with many farmers, horse and cattle ranchers, and horticulturists and have gleaned a knowledge of land use as a grower of produce and ornamentals for personal and friends' use.
I am a registered nurse by profession and have a particular interest in the health of our land and environment and have practiced organic farming and soil conservation for 21 years.
We live next to the San Gregorio Creek and are very concerned about the viability of the watershed and riparian well-being.
3) What is the Coastside interest which you feel is un-represented or under-represented on the CAC, and what are your qualifications to represent those interests?
I still feel that schools are not represented and have an interest because of taxation issues. My school board endorsed me for a position on the CAC as an independent "at large" member because they trust me to consider the schools.
I also feel the "canyons" residents are not represented. Geographically, this is a large area of the annexation. These residents are not necessarily large scale ranchers or farmers, but are professionals, home-based business owners, artists, hobby farmers or ranchers and own land because of various interests.
I have been known in the community in various roles: PTA LaHonda Elementary School, Cabrillo Unified School District Board member (I was the top "vote getter" last November election), and I know many, many canyon residents. I feel I have their trust and respect.
4) Do you own property in the coastal area under consideration for annexation? If so, please briefly describe its location, size, and use. (It is important for the CAC to be aware of any potential conflicts of interest that may arise that might be relevant to its deliberations.)
My husband and I own 7 acres of land in San Gregorio. My daughter and I are trying our hands at having a profitable organic produce farm.
MROSD should have property owners represented in the area affected if the CAC expects these owners to embrace the policies. Property owners south of Half Moon Bay would be extremely suspicious of any advice coming out of the CAC without someone who owns land representing them I really cannot see a conflict of interest if everyone's interest is to preserve land.
5) What clubs, organizations, or interest groups do you belong to or are you affiliated with?
6) Please provide a brief description of your desired outcome of the work of the CAC.
The CAC must develop policies that will not further divide the community. There must a solution to bring coastsiders together that will respect the private property rights and a common set of values that embodies respect for our future environment.
Marina Stariha
PO Box 28
San Gregorio, CA 94074