Application for Consideration of Appointment to the Coastal Advisory Committee (CAC)

Thank you for your interest in being appointed to the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District's Coastal Advisory Committee. The CAC's job will be to review, discuss, and recommend revisions to specified District policies related to the San Mateo County coastal area under consideration for annexation by the District, and will include the responsibility of gathering input from a wide range of community and special interest groups on the Coastside. The District policies to be reviewed include those concerning eminent domain, land acquisition, and agricultural land use.

Please answer the following questions, which will help the existing members of the CAC to select representatives for the three "at large" seats available. The intent of appointing such individuals is to ensure that there is adequate representation for Coastside interests which are otherwise un-represented, or under-represented, on the CAC. "At large" members must live within the area under consideration for annexation. Please limit your answers to the space provided. Please write legibly. This form must be returned to the District office, 330 Distel Circle, Los Altos, CA 94022-1404 (fax: 650-691-0485) by 5:00 p.m., Friday, February 12, 1999.

1) Briefly describe your reasons for wanting to participate on the CAC.

1) To help provide a voice for the LaHonda - Pescadero small family ranches

2) To make sure the process is fair to all interested parties

3) To maintain/establish a policy of limited/no growth while respecting property rights.

2) Please describe your personal or professional interest in and knowledge of Coastside land use and land conservation issues, and what expertise or experience you will bring to the CAC.

1) 1978 graduate of UC Berkeley

2) A member of a long time local ranching family (the Tichenor Ranch).

3) What is the Coastside interest which you feel is un-represented or under-represented on the CAC, and what are your qualifications to represent those interests?

The small family rancher/farmer in LaHonda.

4) Do you own property in the coastal area under consideration for annexation? If so, please briefly describe its location, size, and use. (It is important for the CAC to be aware of any potential conflicts of interest that may arise that might be relevant to its deliberations.)

Yes. We are located at 6700 LaHonda Rd, La Honda. We own approx. 125 acres since 1862.

5) What clubs, organizations, or interest groups do you belong to or are you affiliated with?

1) Past member of the Santa Clara County Democratic Party.

2) National Association of Purchasing Management.

3) International Facilities Management Association.

6) Please provide a brief description of your desired outcome of the work of the CAC.

I will work to represent the LaHonda community and make sure that all the voices are heard, and that the process of decision making is open and responsive.

Scott Tiernan

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